/****************************************************************** Site Name: Author: Stylesheet: Variables Here is where we declare all our variables like colors, fonts, base values, and defaults. We want to make sure this file ONLY contains variables that way our files don't get all messy. No one likes a mess. ******************************************************************/ /********************* COLORS Need help w/ choosing your colors? Try this site out: http://0to255.com/ *********************/ $alert-yellow: #ebe16f; $alert-red: #fbe3e4; $alert-green: #e6efc2; $alert-blue: #d5edf8; $black: #323944; $white: #fff; $light-gray: #f8f9fa; $gray: #eaedf2; $text-color: #444c5d; $meta-gray: #9fa6b4; $tan: #eceee5; $yellow: #d9da56; $lighterblue: #9ab1d8; $lightblue: #2e5dab; $blue: #00457c; $link-color: $lightblue; $link-hover: darken($link-color, 25%); $border-color: #ccc; $disabled-gray: #cfcfcf; /* Here's a great tutorial on how to use color variables properly: http://sachagreif.com/sass-color-variables/ */