Product Refusal


When can I cancel an order?

If, for any reason, you realize you no longer want or need your order, you may cancel it by calling or emailing us any time before your order ships out. Your shopping cart is not considered an order until it is confirmed and an order number is given.


Can I cancel an order after it has been shipped?

Unfortunately, an order cannot be cancelled after it has been shipped out. However, you may refuse the package, in which case the package will be returned to our warehouse and you will be issued a refund.


What is a refusal?

A refusal is any circumstance where a recipient does not wish to receive the package and informs the delivery driver of this intention before signing for the package. In order to ensure a prompt refund, please notify us prior to or immediately after refusing the delivery by simply calling or emailing us. Refusals and returns are handled differently because most of our warehouses do not accept packages, except when the tracking number of the package indicates it was refused by the recipient.


When can I refuse a package?

You may refuse a package only when the delivery driver is present and before signing for the package. Simply inform the driver of your intention to refuse the package and he/she will keep the package instead of leaving it. If you have already signed for the package, it is considered delivered and must be returned according to our Return Policy.


What can be refused?

Most products can be refused without any problems. Some manufacturer’s/distributor’s policies may not allow refusals, these product’s pages are clearly marked with ‘REFER DIRECT’ or ‘NO RETURN’. ‘Build to order’ (BTO) and ‘Custom to order’ (CTO) configurations are usually both non-returnable and non-refusable, these product’s pages are clearly marked with ‘BTO’, ‘CTO’, or some variant of that notation. We reserve the right to refuse for return or charge a restocking fee for damaged or incomplete refusals or when the manufacturer’s/distributor’s refusal policies supercede ours–this special circumstance is clearly noted on the product’s page with ‘REFER DIRECT’ or ‘NO RETURN’. Refusals are only applicable to packages which remain in possesion of the delivery carrier. SHIPPING CHARGES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE. All refusals are subject to a 15% restocking fee. Shipping fees related to international refusals are the responsibility of the customer.